Online Doctor of Engineering in Engineering Management

We are now accepting applications for the cohort beginning in August 2025. The deadline to receive all application materials, including official transcripts, is June 15, 2025.

Program Description

The Doctor of Engineering in Engineering Management is designed for professionals seeking to advance their careers in engineering and technical management roles. Throughout the program, students engage in rigorous coursework and research, gaining a deep understanding of engineering principles and their application in a management context. Graduates are equipped with the skills to effectively lead engineering teams, oversee complex projects, implement innovative strategies, and shape the future of engineering management.


The degree requires completion of eight graduate-level courses (listed below) and a minimum of 24 credit hours of Praxis Research (EMSE 8199). During the research phase, the student writes and defends a research praxis on a topic related to Engineering Management. The topic is selected by the student and approved by the research advising committee.

Learn More About the Courses

EMSE 6025 Entrepreneurship and Technology: Concepts and methods associated with starting an entrepreneurial venture: organization design, team building, protection of intellectual property, strategies for developing and marketing a technology product; financial, legal, and market valuation issues and methods for a start-up venture. (3 credit hours) 

EMSE 6030 Technological Forecasting and Management: Concepts and methods for understanding the dynamics of technological change. Issues in technology assessment, technology transfer, and strategic management of technology. (3 credit hours) 

EMSE 6115 Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers: Basics of probability theory and statistics, with a focus on engineering applications, particularly in the realm of systems. Topics include simulation, uncertainty analysis, central limit theorem, and systems examination and analysis. (3 credit hours)

EMSE 6767 Applied Data Analytics: Applied and practical data analytics. High-level theory, with primary focus on practical application of a broad set of statistical techniques needed to support an empirical foundation for systems engineering and engineering management. A variety of practical visualization and statistical analysis techniques. Leveraging Minitab and Excel to examine raw data to arrive at insightful conclusions. (3 credit hours)

EMSE 6790 Logistics Planning: Quantitative methods in model building for logistics systems, including organization, procurement, transportation, inventory, maintenance, and their interrelationships. Stresses applications. (3 credit hours)

EMSE 8030 Risk Management Process for the Engineering Manager: Risk management process; individual and collaborative responsibilities of program and engineering managers; practical applications of risk-based planning and risk management tools essential to success of any program; communicating the process and its value in avoiding catastrophic outcomes. (3 credit hours) 

EMSE 8099 Quantitative Methods in Engineering Management: Survey of quantitative research methods including overviews of mathematical programing, forecasting, simulation, and decision theory. (3 credit hours) 

EMSE 8100 The Praxis Proposal: Overview of research methods. Aims and purpose of the praxis. Development of praxis research strategies, formulation and defense of a praxis proposal. Praxis proposal defense must be passed before the student is admitted to degree candidacy to undertake praxis work. Restricted to students who have completed all required coursework for the D.Eng. in the field of engineering management degree. (3 credit hours) 

EMSE 8199 Praxis Research: Independent applied research in engineering management culminating in the final praxis report and final examination for the degree of Doctor of Engineering. May be repeated for credit. Restricted to students in the D.Eng. in the field of engineering management program. (24 credit hours) 

Classroom Phase Schedule

Classroom courses last 10 weeks each and meet on Saturday mornings from 9:00 AM—12:10 PM and afternoons from 1:00—4:10 PM (all times Eastern). All classes meet live online through synchronous distance learning technologies (Zoom). All classes are recorded and available for viewing within two hours of the lecture. This program is taught in a cohort format in which students take all courses in lockstep. Courses cannot be taken out of sequence, attendance at all class meetings is expected, and students must remain continuously enrolled. Leaves of absence are permitted only in the case of a medical or family emergency, or deployment to active military duty.

Please see below for the dates of our upcoming cohort.

SemesterSession#Credit HoursTentative Dates
Fall-1 202516August  16 — October 18, 2025
Fall-2 202526November 1 — January 17, 2025
Spring-1 202616January 31 — April 4, 2026
Spring-2 202626April 18 — June 27, 2026

No classes on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and, Memorial Day weekends.

Research Phase Schedule

To proceed to the research phase, students must earn a grade point average of at least 3.2 in the eight classroom courses, and no grade below B-. Students are then registered for a minimum of 24 credit hours (ch) of EMSE 8199 Praxis Research: 3 ch in Summer 2025 (Session 2), 9 ch in Fall 2026, 9 ch in Spring 2027, and 3 ch in Summer 2027. Throughout the research phase, students develop the praxis under the guidance of a designated faculty advisor. Throughout the research phase, students develop the praxis under the guidance of a designated faculty advisor. Faculty research advisors are assigned by the program office and meet individually with students every two weeks.

Sample research areas are listed below:

  • Integration of Sustainability Principles in Engineering Management Practices
  • Managing Technological Innovation and Disruption in Engineering Organizations
  • Optimizing Project Portfolio Management in Engineering Enterprises
  • Leadership and Organizational Behavior in Engineering Environments
  • Effective Risk Management Strategies in Engineering Projects 

Tuition is billed at $1675 per credit hour for the 2025-2026 year. A non-refundable tuition deposit of $995, which is applied to tuition in the first semester, is required when the student accepts admission.


Admissions Process

Review the Admissions Requirements
  • Bachelor’s and master’s degrees in engineering, applied science, business, computer science, information technology, or a related field from accredited institutions.
  • Applicants with other majors are encouraged to apply. However, they may have to take EMSE 4197 as a prerequisite course if they have not completed two college-level calculus courses.
  • A minimum graduate-level GPA of 3.2.
  • Capacity for original scholarship.
  • TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo, or PTE scores are required of all applicants who are not citizens of countries where English is the official language.  Check our International Students page to learn about the SEAS English language requirements and exemption policy. Test scores may not be more than two years old.

Note: GRE and GMAT scores are not required.

Please note that our doctoral programs are highly selective; meeting minimum admissions requirements does not guarantee admission.  

Apply for Admission and Submit Supporting Documents

Apply for Admission

  • Attach up-to-date Resume
  • Attach Statement of Purpose – In an essay of 250 words or less, state your purpose in undertaking graduate study at The George Washington University. Describe your academic objectives, research interests, and career plans. Discuss your qualifications, including collegiate, professional, and community activities, and any other substantial accomplishments not mentioned.
  • Send Official Transcripts – Official transcripts are required from all institutions where a degree was earned. Transcripts should be sent electronically to [email protected] or via mail to:
    • Online Engineering Programs 
      The George Washington University
      170 Newport Center Drive
      Suite 260
      Newport Beach, CA 92660

Normally, all transcripts must be received before an admission decision is rendered for the Doctor of Engineering program. 

Remain Engaged in the Admissions Process

You will receive emails from us updating you as your application goes through the admissions process.


Register for the next Information Session

Live via Zoom
Thu. February 27th, 7:00 pm Eastern

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