Robert Hill, Ph.D.

Headshot of Robert Hill

Robert Hill, Ph.D.

Department: Engineering Management


Dr. Robert Hill is an adjunct professor for the Online Engineering Programs at The George Washington University in Washington, DC. He has two decades of experience in quantitative finance, algorithmic trading, and data science. He has designed financial systems across an array of products and markets in the floor exchange, proprietary trading, and hedge fund industries.

He holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Princeton, Oxford, and Cambridge, in history, politics, and economics. He also holds an M.B.A. from NYU, specializing in quantitative finance and data science, and an M.S. in operations research, from Columbia SEAS. His Ph.D. in systems engineering from George Washington University focused on applying graph theory to managing stakeholders in technical and complex organizations. His research interests include network science, machine learning for graphs, resilience, strategic management, stakeholder theory, and portfolio optimization.

  • R.Hill, T. Mazzuchi and S. Sarkani, "Architecting Resilient Systems With Design Structure Matrices and Network Topology Analysis," presented at NDIA 21st Annual Systems & Mission Engineering Conference, 2018, Tampa.
  • R. Hill, S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi, “Managing in a Post-COVID-19 World: A Stakeholder Network Perspective,” IEEE Engineering Management Review, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 63–71, 2021.
  • R.Hill, “A Percolation-based Framework for Analyzing Network Resilience and Diversity with Application to Post-Covid Reopening Strategies," presented at 2021 INFORMS Virtual Healthcare Conference.
  • R.Hill, “Percolation-based Measures Of Network Centrality for Managing Communication and Contagion," presented at 2021 INFORMS Annual Conference, Anaheim.
  • R.Hill, “Network Resilience Models for Security Applications: Beyond Density and Degree-ness," presented at 2022 INFORMS Conference On Security, Washington, D.C.