Paul Moses, Ph.D.

Dr. Paul S. Moses is an adjunct professor for the Online Engineering Programs at The George Washington University. From 2007 to 2014, he was an Electrical Engineer for the Australian DoD. He performed naval engineering support and R&D in combat systems for the Australian Collins Class Submarines at the naval base in Garden Island, Western Australia. He participated in several experimental sea-trials for new sonar technologies. Upon finishing his PhD in Power Engineering in 2012 from Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia, he accepted a position to work for the Power and Energy Systems Group in Melbourne, Australia. He served as a power systems specialist supporting several naval projects, including the SEA 1000 Future Submarine Project. He has been called upon as a subject matter expert for leading technical investigations of electrical plant issues in naval vessels. In 2014, Dr. Moses transitioned into academia, assuming the role of an assistant professor. His research interests encompass naval and terrestrial power systems, electromagnetic transients, and renewable energy, reflecting his diverse expertise and academic focus.
- W. Fei and P. Moses, “Fault Current Tracing and Identification via Machine Learning Considering Distributed Energy Resources in Distribution Networks,” Energies, vol. 12, no. 22, p. 4333, Nov. 2019.
- M. Mesbah, P. S. Moses, S. M. Islam, and M. A. S. Masoum, "Digital implementation of a fault emulator for transient study of power transformers used in grid connection of wind," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 5, pp. 646-654, 2014.
- P. S. Moses and M. A. S. Masoum, "Three-phase asymmetric transformer aging considering voltage-current harmonic interactions, unbalanced nonlinear loads, magnetic couplings and hysteresis," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 27, pp. 318-327, 2012.
- S. Deilami, A. Masoum, P. S. Moses, and M. A. S. Masoum, "Real-time coordination of Plug-In Electric Vehicle charging in smart grids to minimize power losses and improve voltage profile," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 456-467, 2011.
- P. S. Moses, M. A. S. Masoum, and H. A. Toliyat, "Impacts of hysteresis and magnetic couplings on the stability domain of ferroresonance in asymmetric three-phase three-leg transformers," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 581-592, 2011.
- P. S. Moses, M. A. S. Masoum, and H. A. Toliyat, "Dynamic modeling of three-phase asymmetric power transformers with magnetic hysteresis: no-load and inrush conditions," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 1040-1047, 2010.