Michael Grenn, Ph.D.

Michael Grenn, Ph.D.
Department: Systems Engineering
Dr. Michael W. Grenn began serving as an adjunct professor for The George Washington University Online Engineering Programs in 2012 and also serves as a Doctoral Research Advisor for candidates pursuing their Ph.D. and D.Eng. degrees. During his career with the Department of Defense, Dr. Grenn has served as Deputy Director of Technology, Chief of the Sensors and Lasers Division, and Senior Engineer at the Defense Technology Security Administration (DTSA), and his current responsibilities include assessment and protection of critical and emerging technology, capability analysis, risk management, requirements engineering, continuous process measurement and improvement, and enterprise architecture. Prior to joining DTSA, he served as Chief, Imaging Technology Branch and Chief, Infrared Camera Technology Branch at the U.S. Army Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate (NVESD) at Ft. Belvoir, VA where he was responsible for the design and development of night vision sensors and advanced infrared imaging technology. He has worked for the DoD for more than 38 years.
Dr. Grenn received his B.Sc. degree from The College of William and Mary, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in systems engineering from The George Washington University, Washington, D.C. Dr. Grenn received the PMP certification in 2014 and is a level III DAWIA Certified Acquisition Professional (SPRDE).
- Grenn MW, Sarkani S, and Mazzuchi T, A Theory of Information Quality and its Implementation in Systems Engineering, IEEE Systems Journal, Volume 9, Issue 4, Pages 1129-1138, 23 December 2013
- Grenn MW, Sarkani S, and Mazzuchi T, The Requirements Entropy Framework in Systems Engineering, Journal of Systems Engineering, Volume 17, Issue 4, Winter 2014, Pages 462-478, Article first published online: 24 Jul 2014
- Marshall C, Roberts B, Grenn M, Context-Driven Autonomy for Enhanced System Resilience in Emergent Operating Environments, IEEE Systems Journal, Vol 13, Issue 3, Pages 2130-2141, Sep 2019
- Li YL, Roberts B, Grenn M, Forecasting System Capability Using Scenario-Based Experimental Design Test Approach, IEEE Systems Journal, Vol 13, Issue 3, Pages 2142 – 2153, Sep 2019
- Avalos J, Grenn M, Roberts B, Assessment of Complex System Changeability Using a Learning Classifier System, IEEE Systems Journal, Vol 13, Issue 3, Pages 2177 – 2188, Sep 2019
- Yeasin FN, Grenn M, Roberts B, A Bayesian Networks Approach to Estimate Engineering Change Propagation Risk and Duration, IEEE Trans on Eng Mgmt, Early Access, Pages 1 – 16, 23 Jan 2019
- Esmaeilzadeh E, Grenn M, Roberts B, A System of Systems Framework for Improved Collaborative Decision Making, IEEE Systems Journal, Vol 13, Issue 4, Pages 4122-4133, 12 July 2019