Thomas A. Mazzuchi, D.Sc

Thomas A. Mazzuchi, D.Sc
Co-Director, Online Engineering Programs
Dr. Thomas A. Mazzuchi holds a B.A. (1978) in Mathematics from Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; and an M.S. (1979) and D.Sc. (1982), both in Operations Research, from The George Washington University, Washington, D.C. Currently, he is Professor of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering. Formerly, he served as Chair of the Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering, in the School of Engineering and Applied Science at GW, as Chair of the Department of Operations Research, and as Interim Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Dr. Mazzuchi has been engaged in consulting and research in the areas of reliability and risk analysis, and systems engineering techniques, for over thirty years. He served for two and a half years as a Research Mathematician at the international operations and process research laboratory of the Royal Dutch Shell Company. While at Shell, Dr. Mazzuchi engaged in reliability and risk analysis of large processing systems, maintenance optimization of off-shore platforms, and quality control procedures at large-scale chemical plants. In his academic career, he has held research contracts in the development of testing procedures for both the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Army; in spares provisioning modeling with the U. S. Postal Service; in mission assurance with NASA; and maritime safety and risk assessment with the Port Authority of New Orleans, the Washington Office of Marine Safety, the Washington State Department of Transportation, and the San Francisco Bay Area Transit Authority. He is an elected member of the International Statistics Institute.
- Eggstaff, J. W., T. A. Mazzuchi, and S. Sarkani. 2014. “The Effect of the Number of Seed Variables on the Performance of Cooke’s Classical Model.” Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety 121 (1): 72-82.
- Eggstaff, J. W., T. A. Mazzuchi, and S. Sarkani. 2014. “The Development of Progress Plans Using a Performance-Based Expert Judgment Model to Assess Technical Performance and Risk.” Systems Engineering , ISSN 1098-1241, 2014, Volume 17, Issue 4, pp. 375 - 391
- Grenn, Michael W; Sarkani, Shahram; Mazzuchi, Thomas. "The Requirements Entropy Framework in Systems Engineering” Systems Engineering, ISSN 1098-1241, 2014, Volume 17, Issue 4, pp. 462 – 478.
- Katz, Daniel R; Sarkani, Shahram; Mazzuchi, Thomas; Conrow, Edmund H. 2014. The relationship of technology and design maturity to DoD weapon system cost change and schedule change during engineering and manufacturing development. Systems Engineering, ISSN 1098-1241, 2014
- LaBarge, R., T. A. Mazzuchi, and S. Sarkani. 2014. “An Automated System for Rapid and Secure Device Sanitization.” Computers & Security 42C (2014): 77-91. Published online 19 February 2014, doi: 10.1016/j.cose.2014.01.008.
- Moreland, J. D., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2014. “Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Instantiation within a Hard Real-Time, Deterministic Combat System Environment.” Systems Engineering. ISSN 1098-1241, 2014, Volume 17, Issue 3, pp. 264 – 277
- Ryan, J., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2014. “Leveraging Variability Modeling Techniques for Architecture Trade Studies and Analysis.” Systems Engineering 17 (1): 10-25. Published online 20 August 2013, doi: 10.1002/sys.21274.
- Byrne, J. C., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2014. “System Architecture for Functional Characterization of Devices to Mitigate Hearing Impairment.” Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology, ISSN 1548-5129, 07/2014, Volume 11, Issue 3, pp. 233 – 243
- Dever, J., T. A. Mazzuchi, S. Sarkani, M. J. Mihalcin, and A. Loewenthal. 2014. “The Applicability of Statistical Process Control to Systems Involving People Processes and Business Rhythms.” Systems Engineering 17 (2) (Summer 2014): 193-203. Published online 20 November 2013, doi: 10.1002/sys.21262.
- Mihalcin, M. J., T. A. Mazzuchi, S. Sarkani, and J. R. Dever. 2014. “Quality Control -- An Approach Applying Multivariate Control Charts during the Operation of Systems Involving Human Processes.” Systems Engineering 17 (2) (Summer 2014): 204-212. Published online 21 November 2013, doi: 10.1002/sys.21263.
- Pobiak, T. G., T. A. Mazzuchi, and S. Sarkani. 2014. “Creating a Proactive Obsolescence Management System Framework through the Systems Engineering Continuum.” Systems Engineering 17 (2) (Summer 2014): `125-139. Published online 23 May 2013, doi:10.1002/sys.21258.
- Grzeda, S., T. A. Mazzuchi, and S. Sarkani. 2014. “Temporary Disaster Debris Management Site Identification Using Binomial Cluster Analysis and GIS.” Disasters Journal 38 (2) (April 2014): 398-419.
- Townsend, L. A., T. A. Mazzuchi, and S. Sarkani. 2014. “A Schedule-Performance Approach for Level-of-Effort Tasks.” Engineering management journal 26 (1) (March 2014): 52-61.
- Doskey, S., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2013. “Exploring Systems Engineering Patterns in Government Acquisition of Complex Information Systems.” Information, Knowledge, Systems Management Journal 12 (2) (2013): 97-114. doi: 10.3233/IKS-130218.
- Hamid, S., T. A. Mazzuchi, and S. Sarkani. 2013. “Disruption Management in the Defense Ammunition Industrial Base.” Security Journal advance online publication 26 August 2013; doi: 10.1057/sj.2013.32.
- Franz, A., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2013. “Whole System Design and Evolutionary 21st Century American Buildings + Infrastructure.” International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design 7 (1): 19-48. Published online 7 October 2013.
- Leung, R., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2013. “Mission Success Regulations, their Effect on ELV Launch Success and the Applicability to Regulating Commercial Human Spaceflight.” Space Policy 29 (4): 258-265. Published online 25 October 2013, doi: 10.1016/j.spacepol.2013.09.001.
- Patel, J., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2013. “Knowledge Based Data Center Capacity Reduction Using Sensitivity Analysis on Causal Bayesian Belief Networks.” Information, Knowledge, Systems Management Journal 12 (2) (2013): 135-148. Published online 28 February 2014, doi: 10.3233/IKS-130221.
- Sanders, G. A., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2013. “High Consequence Systems Phenomenological Characterization: A Tutorial.” Systems Engineering 16 (4): 464-472. Published online 18 April 2013, doi:10.1002/sys.21243.
- Segura, M., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2013. “Effects of Geographic and Demographic Dispersion on the Performance of Systems Engineering Teams.” Information, Knowledge, Systems Management Journal 12 (2) (2013): 149-166. Published online 28 February 2014, doi: 10.3233/IKS-130222.
- Shelby, Jr., K. R., T. A. Mazzuchi, and S. Sarkani. 2013. “Tacit Knowledge Mobilization Effect Due to Information Structure.” Information, Knowledge, Systems Management 12 (2) (2013): 115-133. Published online 28 February 2014, doi: 10.3233/IKS-130220.
- McConkie, E., T. A. Mazzuchi, S. Sarkani, and D. Marchette. 2013. “Mathematical Properties of System Readiness Levels.” Systems Engineering 16 (4) (Winter 2013): 391-400. Published online 11 December 2012, doi: 10.1002/sys.21237.
- Jarvandi, A., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2013. “Modeling Team Compatibility Factors Using a Semi-Markov Decision Process: A Data-Driven Approach to Player Selection in Soccer.” Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports 9 (4) (December 2013): 347-366. Published online 14 October 2013, 10.1515/jqas-2012-0054.
- Mohammadi, H., T. A. Mazzuchi, and S. Sarkani. 2013. “A Systems Engineering Framework for Implementing a Security and Critical Patch Management Process in Diverse Environments (Academic Department’s Workstations).” Journal of Information Technology Management 24 (4) (December 2013): 51-61.
- Bjorkman, E. A., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2013. “Using Model-Based Systems Engineering as a Framework for Improving Test and Evaluation Activities.” Systems Engineering 16 (3) (Fall 2013): 346-362. Published online : 12 November 2012, doi: 10.1002/sys.21241.
- Georgiadis, D. R., T. A. Mazzuchi, and S. Sarkani. 2013. “Using Multi-criteria Decision Making in Analysis of Alternatives for Selection of Enabling Technology.” Systems Engineering 16 (3) (Fall 2013): 287-303. Published online 12 November 2012, doi:10.1002/sys.21233
- Wood, J. N., S. Sarkani, T. A. Mazzuchi, and T. J. Eveleigh. 2013. “A Framework for Capturing the Stakeholder System.” Systems Engineering 16 (3) (Autumn (Fall 2013)): 251-266. Published online 23 October 2012, doi: 10.1002/sys.21224.
- Battle, L. P., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2013, “The Next Challenge to Interoperability? A First Look at Robotic System Wireless Interoperability in Emergency Response.” Journal of Emergency Management 11 (5), (September/October 2013): 333-357.
- Sahlin, J. P., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2013. “Enterprise Consolidation for DoD Using Advanced TCA.” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 43 (5), (September 2013): 1116-1129. Published online 1 February 2013, doi:10.1109/TSMCA.2012.2226576.
- Bjorkman, E. A., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2013. “Test and Evaluation Resource Allocation Using Uncertainty Reduction.” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 60 (3) (August 2013): 541-551. doi:10.1109/TEM.2012.2227972.
- Hendrickson, P. D., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2013. “Benchmark Requirement Decision Making Tool to Optimize Effectiveness of Weapon System Modifications.” International Journal of Defense Acquisition Management 5 (July 2013): 1-19.
- Islam, M. F., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2013. “A Quantitative Risk Analysis Framework for Evaluating and Monitoring Cloud Computing Security.” Journal of Information Systems Technology and Planning (Intellectbase) 6 (16), (July 2013): 45-63.
- Yang, E. J.-H., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2013. “The Effects of Sustainable Development on Technological Innovation Performance -- An Empirical Approach.” Journal of International Business Management & Research 3 (10) (July 2013): 64-67.
- Bjorkman, E. A., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2013. “Systems-Test Optimization Using Monte Carlo Simulation.” ITEA Journal 34 (2) (June 2013): 178-188.
- Cantwell, P. R., S. Sarkani, and T. A. Mazzuchi. 2013. “Dynamic Consequences of Cost, Schedule, and Performance within DoD Project Management.” Defense Acquisition Research Journal 20 (1), (April 2013): 99-116.