Barry Borst, Ph.D.

Dr. Jay Borst is an adjunct professor for the Online Engineering Programs at The George Washington University in Washington, DC. Dr. Jay has over 25 years of industry experience working DoD and Intelligence Community IT acquisition challenges, focusing on space systems and supporting ground systems. Research interests include space acquisition, the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence in social media, and leadership. Dr. Jay has a Ph.D. in Systems Engineering from GW. He also holds a Master of Science in Systems Engineering from GW, and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Government from the State University of New York at Albany.
- “US Space Acquisition Policy: A Decline in Leadership,” 7th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, Naval Postgraduate School, May 2010, Conference Proceedings
- “Challenges in the Final Frontier,” Defense Acquisition Review Journal, Jan 2012
- Dissertation: Evaluating Export Control License Timelines Using System Dynamics, April 2012